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Traditional television in Quebec: a powerful and growing channel in 2024.

Did you know that in 2021 and 2022, commercial television experienced annual growth in all regions of Canada? The most significant growth occurred in Quebec, with 10.74% in 2021 and 5.93% in 2022.

As we approach the program launches where we’ll discover the fall 2024 schedules, we wanted to analyze the role of traditional television in our viewing habits. Find out why television remains a highly effective media vehicle in Quebec in 2024

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Search Generative Experience (SGE): Google’s new search engine

In the past few years new products have appeared, greatly changing the way we use search engines. Whether it be enriched results like ‘People Also Ask’ or the Lens feature which recognizes images; Google’s functionality, along with that of other search engines’ has dramatically increased. We are a long way from the days of such inaccurate search results that we would actually have to venture past the first page of results and onto the second or even the third!

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Optimizing Website Performance and SEO with Server-Side Tag Migration

As third-party cookies face increasing blockades and page loading speed gains prominence in SEO ranking criteria, on-site tags are becoming less beneficial and more detrimental.
An ingenious solution to these challenges is migrating tracking tags to a server-side configuration. This migration not only bypasses third-party cookie obstacles but also enhances SEO efficiency by improving page loading speed.

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13 Essential KPIs to Follow for Your SEO

A KPI – key performance indicator – is just that – an indicator of performance which allows us to measure the effectiveness of any implementations made. In SEO, KPIs help to calculate the profitability of these implementations, such as the publication of new content or the optimisation of internal linkage networks.

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