Desjardins Group Insurance


Meet the team behind this campaign


Group insurance is often perceived as a necessary evil for businesses. However, it is crucial for employees and can influence their job choices.

Desjardins Insurance aimed to highlight the positive impact an employer can have on employees’ lives by humanizing group insurance in Canada.

The challenge was to target market intermediaries and plan promoters specifically. Additionally, there was a need to stand out in the English-speaking Canadian market where Desjardins lacked recognition.

Furthermore, there was a need to introduce a new offering in the gender affirmation market while avoiding stigmatization.


  • Highlight the tangible benefits of Desjardins Group Insurance plans.
  • Increase Desjardins Insurance’s visibility in the English-speaking market.
  • Promote the integrated offering and new services of the insurer.
  • Generate interest and business outcomes, particularly for the gender affirmation offering.
Article in the Globe&Mail for Desjardins Collective Insurance


To address the challenges and objectives, we embraced a creative and innovative approach. Instead of directly targeting intermediaries and plan holders, we gave voice to the beneficiaries of Desjardins Insurance group plans.

We established a content hub in partnership with CBC, a strategic move to enhance visibility, credibility, and legitimacy in the English-speaking market.

Testimonials from employees, experts, and clients were showcased through impactful videos and articles. We persuaded Desjardins to embrace spontaneity and authenticity in the content, thus reinforcing the campaign’s credibility.

Moreover, we approached the gender affirmation topic with compassion and inclusivity, involving ambassadors like Chris Bergeron to share their experiences.

We also employed contextual and behavioral targeting to amplify content beyond the website, extending our reach to a broader audience. Specific B2B initiatives were also orchestrated to equip professionals with the necessary tools.


The campaign was a resounding success for Desjardins Insurance, exceeding expectations in terms of engagement and business outcomes.

The media metrics speak for themselves, with over 30 million impressions and more than 34,000 reads on the CBC hub. Enthusiastic comments collected on social media underscored the inspiration and emotion evoked by the campaign.

However, true success is measured in concrete business results: following the campaign, Desjardins Collective Insurance’s administered premiums increased by 9% between 2021 and 2022. This significant growth validates the campaign’s effectiveness and its impact on the company’s commercial performance.

By humanizing group insurance and highlighting its tangible benefits, Desjardins Insurance successfully positioned itself as a forward-thinking market player. The campaign sparked genuine enthusiasm among consumers and generated substantial interest in the gender affirmation offering.

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Desjardins Cybersecurity


Meet the team behind this campaign


In 2021, Canadians experienced significant financial losses totaling $275 million. It was mainly due to increasingly sophisticated and damaging online fraud.

For Desjardins, this posed a significant challenge. The institution needed to raise awareness among Quebecers about good cybersecurity practices while avoiding making them feel guilty. We also had to tailor the message to diverse audiences.

The objective was to find a non-blaming approach and show people how to protect themselves online while addressing various age groups and risks.


Desjardins’ main goal was to raise awareness among Quebecers about online fraud risks and educate them about good cybersecurity practices.

To achieve this, Dialekta had the task of employing creative and innovative methods to reach diverse audiences.

The idea was to encourage Quebecers to heed Desjardins’ advice by leveraging the credibility of their favorite characters.

Desjardins Sécurité dans La Presse


To raise awareness and education, Dialekta collaborated with popular TV shows ‘Entre deux draps’ and ‘En ligne’ to achieve the goals.

These shows catered to different generations and provided complementary approaches. Humorous scenes involving characters from these shows were created to depict various risky situations, accompanied by expert advice from Desjardins.

The creative approach involved using traditional media by involving celebrities, which was unconventional for an advertiser in the banking sector.

The created videos were aired simultaneously with the TV shows on complementary platforms such as Noovo, Télé-Québec, La Presse, Radio-Canada, and YouTube. Banners were also incorporated to keep the advice visible on the screen and encourage interaction.

By leveraging content on other platforms like, La Presse, Télé-Québec en classe, and social media, Dialekta succeeded in maximizing the campaign’s reach and impact while providing relevant educational content on cybersecurity.


The campaign was a resounding success, greatly exceeding the set objectives:

With over 25 million views in Quebec, equivalent to 3 views per person, the campaign effectively informed and protected a wide audience from the risks of online fraud.

The campaign generated more than 64 million impressions, boasting a click-through rate twice the industry average, showcasing the efficacy of the implemented tactics.

Through strategic deployment, the campaign reached over 5 times the Quebec population (8.5 million people), engaging all generations with formats tailored to their digital habits.

More than 150,000 Quebecers sought additional information on the campaign pages, demonstrating the generated interest and the effectiveness of the educational message.

In terms of return on investment, Desjardins observed an increase in cybersecurity-conscious behaviors among its members during the campaign period, resulting in a higher number of reported phishing attempts.

The campaign also received an IDEA award for the use of Brand Integration!

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Meet the team behind this campaign


When young individuals face questions, they seek answers online. Sadly, they often encounter distressing content and misinformation from unreliable sources.

Recognizing this issue, Tel-jeunes decided to launch a podcast titled “Dans la bulle”. This content offers accurate information and a judgment-free space for young people.

However, the challenge lay in reaching the young audience at the right moment, with a fifty-minute video format, all within a highly limited budget.


The primary goal was to reach young people precisely when they were questioning and motivate them to watch the podcast “Inside My Bubble.” The specific objectives were as follows:

  1. Provide reliable answers to youth’s questions and combat online misinformation.

  2. Reach the target audience of individuals aged 13 to 24 on platforms they frequent, including Google, Meta, Tiktok, and Youtube.

  3. Employ a creative and innovative approach to optimize the restricted budget and generate completed views for podcast episodes.

  4. Encourage engagement by motivating young individuals to watch multiple podcast episodes.


We adopted a strategic and targeted approach to achieve Tel-jeunes’ objectives, using the most relevant platforms for the target audience. Here are the solutions implemented:

  1. Contextual targeting on Adwords and Grants utilization: To reach young people precisely during their spontaneous inquiries, we prioritized the “zero moment of truth” on Google Adwords. Thanks to the Tel-jeunes Grants program, we received a $10,000/month grant, allowing us to be present during searches without impacting the budget.

  2. In-feed placement on Youtube with keyword targeting: Recognizing that young individuals spend a significant amount of time on Youtube, we chose this platform to promote the podcast. In-feed placement enabled us to display ads within search results in a native format, sparking interest without being intrusive.

  3. Highlighting “how to” videos: We identified the trend of “how to” videos and targeted specific queries such as “how to kiss,” “how to know if I’m in love,” “how to know if I’m gay,” “how to have confidence in myself, or “how to be beautiful”. This allowed us to present each podcast episode to young people interested in the subject precisely when they needed it.

  4. Utilizing Youtube’s algorithm: The campaigns served as sparks for the podcasts, quickly boosting them on Youtube. The platform’s algorithm favored videos that gained rapid views, leading to continued organic visibility for the episodes even after the budget was exhausted.


With a mere $3,000 budget, the campaign’s results surpassed expectations. We managed to reach nearly 75,000 young individuals with reliable answers to their questions, and 40% of them chose to watch at least one episode of the “Dans la bulle” podcast. Moreover, over 8% of the youth watched a second episode immediately after the first, demonstrating genuine engagement with the content.

In conclusion, this campaign delivered crucial information to young individuals while guiding them toward quality content. Through a creative and targeted approach, we succeeded in maximizing the impact of Tel-jeunes’ limited budget and achieving our visibility goal for the “Dans la bulle” podcast.

The campaign also received an IDEA award for Best Content Creation!

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Meet the team behind this campaign


Discover how we managed to target and engage the busiest individuals in Canada. This is what we achieved for our client, GSoft, through a B2B campaign.

Specialized in developing software to enhance employee experience, GSoft had gained significant recognition on the international stage, but its presence in the Canadian market remained relatively weak.

Given the increasing relevance of employee experience due to the labor shortage affecting all industries, Gsoft made the decision to conquer Canada.

The main challenge was to identify decision-makers within businesses and capture their attention in a vast and diverse country like Canada. As decision-makers are constantly overwhelmed with demands, we needed to implement a creative and innovative strategy to precisely target them and seize their attention.


  • Increase brand awareness of Gsoft in Canada.
  • Target business decision-makers and capture their attention through personalized and repeated interactions.
  • Promote word-of-mouth and social engagement to amplify the campaign’s impact.
  • Generate a significant increase in leads and applications by utilizing a synergistic approach between traditional and digital media.


Based on relevant insights, Dialekta developed an integrated strategy that combined initiatives in both traditional and digital media to reach business decision-makers in a personalized and repeated manner. Here are the key solutions implemented:

  • Personalized Outdoor Advertising: The agency carefully selected advertising locations around the targeted companies’ headquarters. Nearly 90 personalized outdoor billboards were deployed, ensuring each decision-maker was exposed to an advertisement tailored to their company. This geolocated approach helped reduce waste and increased the attention of the decision-makers.
  • LinkedIn and OOH/Digital Retargeting: LinkedIn was leveraged to target profiles based on seniority and company affiliation. Through OOH/Digital retargeting, decision-makers who saw the outdoor billboards were exposed to personalized content on LinkedIn, reinforcing Gsoft’s presence and encouraging word-of-mouth.
  • YouTube Activation: A video showcasing the outdoor advertising activations was produced and broadcast on YouTube. This approach allowed for reaching a broader audience, amplifying word-of-mouth effects, and maximizing web conversions.


The B2B outdoor advertising campaign for Gsoft was a resounding success and achieved remarkable results:

  • Over 100 million impressions were made, with a balanced exposure between outdoor advertising and digital media.

  • The campaign’s related publications garnered over 4 million engagements, affirming the effectiveness of the word-of-mouth strategy.

  • The campaign video was viewed nearly 1.5 million times, surpassing benchmarks by an impressive 2320%.

  • The number of applications increased by 974% compared to the previous year, demonstrating the significant impact of the campaign on lead generation.

This campaign also received 6 IDEA awards in 2023, including 2 in the media category!

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eSolutions Furniture

How Dialekta generated a ROI of 16 in less than a year through SEO

Meet the team behind this campaign


eSolutions has gained recognition for its office furniture and Murphy beds. Building on its strong presence in Canada, the company sought to enter the highly competitive United States market. With a small budget, they required quick and tangible results within a couple of months. Their two brands (Bush furniture and Bestar) and three websites added another layer of complexity to the task at hand.


The primary objective was to achieve rapid and substantial growth for eSolutions in the US market. This involved increasing revenue from SEO, particularly in the Murphy Bed category, and establishing a strong online presence for their office furniture products. The desired outcome was to achieve tangible results within a short timeframe, generating a positive return on investment.



Through a comprehensive SEO audit, Dialekta gained valuable insights into the existing challenges faced by eSolutions. They discovered that while the websites ranked well for generic queries, they were not appearing when customers searched for specific issues related to Murphy beds. This insight highlighted an opportunity to address customer queries, establish authority in the niche, and outperform competitors.


Dialekta devised a practical and targeted approach to maximize growth for eSolutions. They began by optimizing the technical aspects of the websites, resulting in a significant 160% growth in traffic. Building upon the insight gained, Dialekta developed specific pages to answer top-of-the-funnel customer queries related to Murphy beds, effectively addressing customers’ underlying concerns and surpassing the competition.

Bush's Murphy Bed page

The Big Idea

The big idea behind the strategy was to provide comprehensive and valuable information to customers, positioning eSolutions as the go-to resource for Murphy bed-related queries. By creating dedicated pages that answered specific questions and concerns, eSolution established trust and credibility, ultimately driving more organic traffic and conversions.


Dialekta’s deployment plan involved conducting a complete SEO audit to identify areas for improvement, providing a list of recommendations based on the audit findings, and developing an implementation plan for the entire year. Technical fixes, such as indexing blog articles, implementing hreflang and canonical tags, and optimizing page speed, were executed. Additionally, landing page optimization for special events and content opportunity recommendations were implemented.


The results of the SEO campaign were outstanding.

+79% Increase in revenue
For the Murphy Bed category.

+165% Overall revenue
Moreover, the overall revenue from SEO skyrocketed by an impressive 165%.

16 ROI
The campaign delivered a remarkable SEO return on investment (ROI) of 16 within a span of just 9 months, exceeding the initial objectives set by eSolutions.

These results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the implemented strategies and the successful execution by Dialekta.

Bush assembly tips

The campaign is finalist at the Global Search Awards in the ecommerce/retail category!

If you want to learn more about our organic optimization services, contact one of our experts directly.


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Point S Tires


Meet the team behind this campaign


The tire market is extremely competitive in Quebec. Legislation requires the use of winter tires starting from December 1st, and all brands compete to be chosen during that time. In this context, it is not easy to stand out and generate a good ROI, especially when Point S‘s budget does not allow for complete domination and the growth objectives are in double digits.


Point S wanted to:

  1. Increase its online tire sales.

  2. Generate double-digit growth through SEO and SEA.


Geomarketing campaign by Dialekta for Point S


An in-depth analysis of sales figures from previous years allowed us to determine that it is not the legal deadline that has the most impact on purchases. Indeed, the first snowstorms and the drop in temperatures are the main triggers for action. Consumers are therefore reactive.


Our strategy was twofold: create the best content for specific searches to achieve excellent quality scores, and correlate budget investments with the weather. Thus, we wanted to invest the majority of the budget when the first cold spells and snowfalls occur. Easier said than done, as these elements vary from city to city, and manually adjusting the distribution every day would have been a monumental task.

The Big Idea

We developed a weather-related script to dynamically adjust budgets, bids, and creatives city by city across Quebec. This technology allowed us to optimally invest our budget and achieve dominance at the moments and in the locations that mattered most.

  1. When the forecasted temperature was below 7°C

  2. If a snowstorm was announced

  3. City by city across Quebec


The deployment was carefully planned:

First, the SEO team analyzed search intent using various tools. This study allowed us to create new dedicated and optimized pages to rank for these queries. Our team then deployed log analysis to refine SEO and redirects and maximize the exposure of these pages. Finally, the high-potential content was optimized for position zero.

Meanwhile, the SEA team analyzed sales figures and conducted an analysis to discover correlations. When it became clear that the weather was the decisive factor, the team had to envision and deploy a custom script to adapt creatives and bids in real-time, city by city.

Cross-media Synergy

From the beginning of the project, the SEO and SEA teams worked hand in hand. The tire change season is short, and we couldn’t afford any mistakes.

Based on past experience, we identified the most competitive terms and those with the highest potential. Subsequently, we optimized specific landing pages for SEO to increase the quality score and reduce the cost of AdWords clicks.

This SEO/SEA synergy allowed us to guide the SEO team toward the best queries and significantly improve the cost per acquisition in SEA.


+49% of keywords in the top 3
The number of keywords appearing in the top 3 organic search results increased significantly, consolidating Point S’ dominance on search engines.

+21% increase in the average SEO basket
Moreover, the average basket value of traffic generated by SEO increased by over 20% thanks to targeted and optimized high-potential queries.

+41% SEO revenue
Organic traffic revenue increased by over 40% year-over-year, greatly exceeding the set objectives!

+22% conversion rate
By being present during the moments when the need to change tires was strongest, the new strategy implemented increased the conversion rate by 22%.

+42% return on investment
But the conversion rate is not necessarily significant for a business. The average basket value is an important factor, and ultimately, only ROI matters. The optimizations made possible by this new campaign management approach improved the ROI by 42%.

+69% revenue
This year, the budget allocated to AdWords was similar to the previous year, but with the proposed structure and deployed technology, the revenue generated by AdWords campaigns.

Point S Logo

The campaign received an IDEA award in the category of best use of search engines. It is also finalist in 6 categories at the Global Search Awards!

If you want to learn more about our organic and paid search engine optimization services, contact one of our experts directly.


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Best use of local information media and entertainment

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Losing everything in just a few clicks… Whether it’s Leo, a teen who is offered an easy $1,000, or Jean-Guy the grandfather who receives a suspicious tax rebate message, every generation is at risk.


Through their security campaign Desjardins wanted to:

  1. Showcase their caring side to Quebec residents

  2. Encourage Quebec residents to take ownership of their own safety



Our research showed that each generation has a different relationship with the digital world and online security, meaning that each age group was at risk of falling victim to a set of distinct scams. Moreover, some members were shaken by the events of 2019, as was their perception of the brand’s security ‘expertise’.


We needed, therefore, to encourage a change in behaviour amongst a good number of 14-60 year-olds but without sounding too moralistic, as Desjardins was not in a position to use its authority on security at this point. We discovered that social norms are highly influenced by popular culture. Programmes like Watatatow or La Petite Vie have a concrete impact on our culture and have even forged entire generations.

Big Idea

Surpassing estimated ratings in its first series and reaching all our target audiences, Entre Deux Draps had the potential we were seeking. The programme followed the everyday lives of four funny, modern couples. We developed mini-episodes bringing six of the show’s characters into the spotlight. Each of the three couples represented a particular generation, and their stories illustrated realistic situations relevant to their age-group. Our adverts resembled exclusive clips of the show. We were able to reproduce the show’s aesthetic as the mini-episodes were produced by KOTV in the same style and the characters were played by the real Entre Deux Draps actors. Entering this environment allowed us to address security more directly with the public, via characters with which they identified.


Integrating our campaign, although sensitive to the events of the past, into the Noovo channel and Entre Deux Draps world of entertainment was a risk. Identifying the show which had the potential to have a positive and enriching influence on Quebec culture, whilst making sure we’d reach 14-60 year-olds meant we needed to keep a lookout for all the programs which were due to come out in the autumn of 2021. We needed to ensure we allocated the necessary amount of time for conception and production of the mini-episodes before the new academic year programming schedules began airing. Negotiations with KOTV also helped us reduce the production fees by 30% by managing to convince the clients to release additional budget to enable us to go forward with the initiative. In terms of activation, we challenged Bell Media to broadcast the mini-episodes across all platforms, something which required a lot of management to achieve. With the sponsorship we were able to ensure we obtained exclusive funding. In manually excluding categories across all platforms, the programming team at Bell Media was faced with a number of challenges.


To complement the broadcasting of the mini-episodes on the Bell Media network and YouTube, retargeting banner ads invited viewers to take advantage of Desjardin’s prevention tools.

Methodology and Synergy

Noovo is a channel which focuses on bringing real-life issues into the spotlight, and which has a good relationship with its audience. We can see this from their reality TV shows such as L’amour Est Dans Le Pré, and also with entertainment shows like Contre Ofrre, Arnaud Soly ou Entre Deux Draps. Stepping into this quintessentially Quebecois environment allowed us to approach the subject of security with the public in a closer manner. By immersing ourselves in the show’s world we were able to take full advantage of this intimacy with the public as the mini-episodes benefited, amongst other things, from the same colloquial language and codes of communication. The integration of our message at the heart of these cultural codes allowed us to raise awareness throughout Quebec around safety and security without coming across as moralistic. Using an entertainment program allowed us to benefit from the positive emotions their viewers associate with it. This really helped the campaign- we were able to take advantage of being shown in such a good light, and mitigate the negative associations being made between cybersecurity and the past events involving Desjardins. We expressed our creativity by using cultural codes in order to approach the subject with an air of empathy rather than guilt. This kind of association, integration, and partnered video production was a first for Desjardins. For most of the collaborators it was their first project of this scale, meaning we profited from fresh open-mindedness and willingness to understand. All in all, each team came together with others to collaborate and maximise their chances of achieving their communication objectives, and seeing real results.

Our big idea was embedded in an ecosystem of local and diversified media which allowed us to deliver our messages via the cultural influence of those networks. The integrity of La Presse and the engaging format of the Xtras section allowed us to reach the 30-60 year-olds. A group of influencers targeted the younger generation, helping to create new social norms by addressing the subject, usually taboo amongst younger people. Lastly, in order to generate frequency and to embed the message into the daily lives of our target adults, radio ads were broadcast across the Ohdio, QUB and iHeart stations.


The principal objective for Desjardins was to be able to approach the subject of security for the first time since 2019. The aim was to rebuild a relationship of trust and to reinstill in Desjardins, an institutional authority which has the safety of its members at heart. This objective was achieved in that no negative feedback was reported by customer service. Equally, comments on influencer content demonstrated an audience largely receptive to the campaign message. Desjardins also wanted to do a good deed in terms of raising awareness throughout Quebec, not just amongst their members. The overall campaign generated enough impressions to reach the 8.5 million Quebec residents three times over. The initiative with Entre Deux Draps generated more than 5.5 million complete views and an average digital frequency of 2.5. That is to say that our aim of reaching Quebec residents with 3 messages each, was largely achieved. The campaign engaged with all generations via formats tailored to their digital consumption habits. We saw 230,000 influencer video views, 450,000 interactions with the La Presse Xtras section, more than 2 million Facebook and Instagram story views, and 5 million plays of our digital audio messages. More than 150,000 Quebec residents searched for further information online during the campaign. More than 60,000 site visits were directly attributed to the campaign, illustrating that it succeeded in encouraging people to further inform and equip themselves against cyber scams. The average bounce rate of 16.20% demonstrates the level of interest that our messaging generated. The objective of raising awareness was achieved. Desjardins saw an increase in cyber security behaviour amongst its members during the initiative, a large proportion of which were phishing reports.

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Best campaign for non-profit or humanitarian charity/ interest group

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In 2019, 76% of the population in Quebec said they were ready to do their bit for the climate. One year later, in the context of the pandemic, behaviours have changed very little, bar the increase in shopping locally and the fall in car and plane travel. It became evident that there was a need for education amongst Quebec residents who understood still very little around how certain behaviours can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.


Carbon footprint is calculated according to greenhouse gas emissions and it is only by reviewing our daily habits or by making big-impact choices, that we can make a difference. It was, with the financial contribution of the Quebec government which is committed to reducing its carbon footprint, that the campaign Reduce Our Footprint was born. Our research very quickly demonstrated that, despite what we might think, there is a minimal correlation between age and points of view and attitudes towards the environment. The challenge, therefore, was rather the size of the project; how could we raise awareness amongst such a vast audience, with such a variety of lived experiences and behaviours?



One common thread unites us all however, it is difficult to change one’s opinion. We tend to reinforce our points of view by taking into consideration only the information which confirms our beliefs; and by ignoring any which discredits or contradicts them. We needed to put our trust in the woke generation, those ready to upset our routines and to redefine social norms: Gen Z.

Strategy and The Big Idea

We wanted to give the impression of a social pressure being circulated to encourage us all to question our daily habits. We interacted with young people on TikTok and encouraged them to share what they are doing themselves to help the planet. Afterwards, these videos were rebroadcast by credible news outlets to help address the subject amongst older adults. By positioning young people as our message ambassadors, we were able to show that they had already understood the impact of their individual choices on the planet.


We took advantage of a trend on TikTok which, at the point of our campaign design, had reached three times the number of users it had at the beginning of the pandemic. Ten comedy sketches presenting ideas chosen by the organisation were created, and users were invited to share their choices via the Stitch function which enables collaboration between users by allowing integration of scenes from original videos, into new ones. These clips were then shared on news sites. A variety of made-to-measure content was created with a number of different partners in order to ensure an understanding of the challenges faced, from various different angles. To further inform the target audience, a custom microsite containing additional information was developed and shared- on social media via display advertising, and also via SEM. A competition was also launched, in partnership with Quantum eBikes, to encourage engagement and newsletter sign-ups.


Continuing with our research, we saw that Quebec residents who were ready to make changes to their lifestyles for the benefit of the environment, were harder to come by outside of large urban areas and where the average household income was under $60,000. These were the criteria which allowed us to build a strategy which would maximise media efforts in targeting less aware audiences, and therefore make a real difference.


Since October 2021, Google and Facebook have tightened their policies in order to help fight against the dissemination of fake news regarding the climate. The algorithms automatically categorised our messages as ‘political’ which meant they were either blocked or that publication was limited. Particular care was therefore needed, along with a variety of optimisations, in order to manage the success of our uploads.


Addressing these serious topics in an amusing yet vital and accessible manner by collaborating with content creators, was at the heart of the campaign’s creativity. The Stitch function and the use of the same intro across all videos allowed us to portray uniformity and visual recognition between all creators, as well as to increase the chances of creating a trend, more easily than if we had simply published ten different clips. By inserting our message into the daily lives of young people, we encouraged them to play the role of ambassadors to their peers. We also shared the same content to news outlets in order to display to adults how the truth often comes from the mouths of babes.


The real innovation behind the campaign was the choice to target the younger generation with our messages. TikTok, with its expertise in short, ‘snackable’ content and multitasking, was the perfect platform to use in order to reach them effectively. This generation is also big on personal expression via social media, and this is illustrated by their contribution towards all manner of causes. By adding their interest in creating a better world to the mix, we then had all the ingredients we needed to launch the ideal campaign strategy. When it came to collaboration, we chose to work with popular TikTok personalities and content creators, Andréanne Fortin, Citron_Rosee et Douaa. Their followings meant we could reach a larger audience, and the use of video allowed us to play to viewers’ emotions, and increase the memorability of our messages.


The media performance of the campaign was a success and surpassed expectations in terms of site engagement, showing that we were indeed able to increase awareness across Quebec. Thanks to the campaign, we were able to reach over half of the total population of Quebec and rack up almost 84% more video views than initially estimated. We also received more than 12,000 likes on TikTok. During the campaign, lasting almost 8 weeks, close to 50,000 sessions were recorded on the microsite, of which 70% were of direct provenance of the campaign. The aim of raising awareness primarily in the target cities, rather than elsewhere in Quebec was achieved- the average click-rate in these towns was almost 50% higher than in Montreal. The interest in seeking further information was higher outside of the Montreal region, demonstrating that our regional targeting had succeeded. In terms of SEM, we surpassed the estimated number of clicks by 6% and the click-rate was more than twice as high as benchmarks, demonstrating the effectiveness of the synergy between advertisements and key-words. The competition was successful, receiving nearly 15,000 sign-ups and creating an impressive level of engagement with close to 1,000 comments, over 2,000 reactions, and more than 600 shares. An increase of 450 Facebook followers was also achieved, 4.5 times higher than the average normal monthly amount, as well as more than 7,500 new sign-ups to our newsletter Vivre En Ville.

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Losing everything in just a few clicks… Whether it’s Leo, a teen who is offered an easy $1,000, or Jean-Guy the grandfather who receives a suspicious tax rebate message, every generation is at risk.


Through their security campaign Desjardins wanted to:

  1. Showcase their caring side to Quebec residents

  2. Encourage Quebec residents to take ownership of their own safety



Our research showed that each generation has a different relationship with the digital world and online security, meaning that each age group was at risk of falling victim to a set of distinct scams. Moreover, some members were shaken by the events of 2019, as was their perception of the brand’s security ‘expertise’.


We needed, therefore, to encourage a change in behaviour amongst a good number of 14-60 year-olds but without sounding too moralistic, as Desjardins was not in a position to use its authority on security at this point. We discovered that social norms are highly influenced by popular culture. Programmes like Watatatow or La Petite Vie have a concrete impact on our culture and have even forged entire generations.

Big Idea

Surpassing estimated ratings in its first series and reaching all our target audiences, Entre Deux Draps had the potential we were seeking. The programme followed the everyday lives of four funny, modern couples. We developed mini-episodes bringing six of the show’s characters into the spotlight. Each of the three couples represented a particular generation, and their stories illustrated realistic situations relevant to their age-group. Our adverts resembled exclusive clips of the show. We were able to reproduce the show’s aesthetic as the mini-episodes were produced by KOTV in the same style and the characters were played by the real Entre Deux Draps actors. Entering this environment allowed us to address security more directly with the public, via characters with which they identified.


Borrowing the identity of a show and broadcasting our messages whilst retraining those of the original programme required some special negotiation. The evaluation of the media and production value required close collaboration in order to obtain the expertise of the right people. Negotiations with KOTV resulted in us being able to benefit from their resources and link their show identity to our messages and the Desjardins brand. They also helped us reduce the production fees by 30% by managing to convince the clients to release additional budget to enable us to go forward with the initiative. In terms of activation, we challenged Bell Media to broadcast the mini-episodes across all platforms, something which required a lot of management to achieve. With the sponsorship we were able to ensure we obtained exclusive funding. In manually excluding categories across all platforms, the programming team at Bell Media was faced with a number of challenges.


To complement the broadcasting of the mini-episodes on the Bell Media network and YouTube, retargeting banner ads invited viewers to take advantage of Desjardin’s prevention tools. Wherever you heard about Entre Deux Draps, you also heard about Desjardins whether it was banners, logos or other placements, and we synchronised the television sponsorship with that of the catch-up services. For the first time, Bell Media programmed the banners for the broadcast page in order for them to be front and centre, and the online catch-up environment was redesigned to incorporate Desjardins colour palette for the duration of the campaign. In a way we even sponsored the content! As well as being linked to the visual and cultural identity of Entre Deux Draps, our publicity was shown first during the commercial breaks across all networks. This allowed us to give the impression that the mini-episodes were bonus sketches presented by Desjardins. The initiative aimed to generate surprise, capture attention and garner brand love, by giving viewers extra content from the show they enjoy.

Methodology and Synergy

Our big idea was embedded in an ecosystem of local and diversified media which allowed us to deliver our messages via the cultural influence of those networks. The integrity of La Presse and the engaging format of the Xtras section allowed us to reach the 30-60 year-olds. A group of influencers targeted the younger generation, helping to create new social norms by addressing the subject, usually taboo amongst younger people. Lastly, in order to generate frequency and to embed the message into the daily lives of our target adults, radio ads were broadcast across the Ohdio, QUB and iHeart stations.


The principal objective for Desjardins was to be able to approach the subject of security for the first time since 2019. The aim was to rebuild a relationship of trust and to reinstill in Desjardins, an institutional authority which has the safety of its members at heart. This objective was achieved in that no negative feedback was reported by customer service. Equally, comments on influencer content demonstrated an audience largely receptive to the campaign message. Desjardins also wanted to do a good deed in terms of raising awareness throughout Quebec, not just amongst their members. The overall campaign generated enough impressions to reach the 8.5 million Quebec residents three times over. The initiative with Entre Deux Draps generated more than 5.5 million complete views and an average digital frequency of 2.5. That is to say that our aim of reaching Quebec residents with 3 messages each, was largely achieved. The campaign engaged with all generations via formats tailored to their digital consumption habits. We saw 230,000 influencer video views, 450,000 interactions with the La Presse Xtras section, more than 2 million Facebook and Instagram story views, and 5 million plays of our digital audio messages.  More than 150,000 Quebec residents searched for further information online during the campaign. More than 60,000 site visits were directly attributed to the campaign, illustrating that it succeeded in encouraging people to further inform and equip themselves against cyber scams. The average bounce rate of 16.20% demonstrates the level of interest that our messaging generated. The objective of raising awareness was achieved. Desjardins saw an increase in cyber security behaviour amongst its members during the initiative, a large proportion of which were phishing reports.

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