Meet the team behind this campaign


When young individuals face questions, they seek answers online. Sadly, they often encounter distressing content and misinformation from unreliable sources.

Recognizing this issue, Tel-jeunes decided to launch a podcast titled “Dans la bulle”. This content offers accurate information and a judgment-free space for young people.

However, the challenge lay in reaching the young audience at the right moment, with a fifty-minute video format, all within a highly limited budget.


The primary goal was to reach young people precisely when they were questioning and motivate them to watch the podcast “Inside My Bubble.” The specific objectives were as follows:

  1. Provide reliable answers to youth’s questions and combat online misinformation.

  2. Reach the target audience of individuals aged 13 to 24 on platforms they frequent, including Google, Meta, Tiktok, and Youtube.

  3. Employ a creative and innovative approach to optimize the restricted budget and generate completed views for podcast episodes.

  4. Encourage engagement by motivating young individuals to watch multiple podcast episodes.


We adopted a strategic and targeted approach to achieve Tel-jeunes’ objectives, using the most relevant platforms for the target audience. Here are the solutions implemented:

  1. Contextual targeting on Adwords and Grants utilization: To reach young people precisely during their spontaneous inquiries, we prioritized the “zero moment of truth” on Google Adwords. Thanks to the Tel-jeunes Grants program, we received a $10,000/month grant, allowing us to be present during searches without impacting the budget.

  2. In-feed placement on Youtube with keyword targeting: Recognizing that young individuals spend a significant amount of time on Youtube, we chose this platform to promote the podcast. In-feed placement enabled us to display ads within search results in a native format, sparking interest without being intrusive.

  3. Highlighting “how to” videos: We identified the trend of “how to” videos and targeted specific queries such as “how to kiss,” “how to know if I’m in love,” “how to know if I’m gay,” “how to have confidence in myself, or “how to be beautiful”. This allowed us to present each podcast episode to young people interested in the subject precisely when they needed it.

  4. Utilizing Youtube’s algorithm: The campaigns served as sparks for the podcasts, quickly boosting them on Youtube. The platform’s algorithm favored videos that gained rapid views, leading to continued organic visibility for the episodes even after the budget was exhausted.


With a mere $3,000 budget, the campaign’s results surpassed expectations. We managed to reach nearly 75,000 young individuals with reliable answers to their questions, and 40% of them chose to watch at least one episode of the “Dans la bulle” podcast. Moreover, over 8% of the youth watched a second episode immediately after the first, demonstrating genuine engagement with the content.

In conclusion, this campaign delivered crucial information to young individuals while guiding them toward quality content. Through a creative and targeted approach, we succeeded in maximizing the impact of Tel-jeunes’ limited budget and achieving our visibility goal for the “Dans la bulle” podcast.

The campaign also received an IDEA award for Best Content Creation!

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