Brokers Network

Develop visibility at the national level

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Created by Secret Local, Brokers Network is a B2B SaaS solution which aims to simplify the process of creating an online presence for mortgage brokers across Canada, in order to improve outreach to future buyers and to increase lead generation. For this ambitious challenge, Brokers Network asked Dialekta to help develop an SEO strategy which would allow it to stand out amongst the competition.


Dialekta put in place a comprehensive SEO strategy and support plan, aiming to respond to 3 key objectives:

  • Optimising site visibility and discoverability, especially its presence in local searches

  • Creating interest to help increase the number and quality of site visits

  • Increasing conversions (potential client contact with brokers)


Our SEO experts created a 3-tier strategy in order to optimise site and broker visibility:

Technical SEO

  • Carrying out a technical audit of the site to identify areas for improvement.

  • Optimisation of page accessibility for indexing robots as well as users.

  • Error 404 and duplicate content resolution, to help optimise crawling.

  • Optimisation of Javascript and CSS files to speed up site loading time.

  • Creation of an automated dashboard in Data Studio to provide a real-time view on business results.

Local SEO

  • Optimisation of regional and local page content, with the aim of local referencing .

  • Optimisation of mortgage broker files.

  • Management of internal network and page depth in order to improve accessibility of local pages.

Content SEO

  • Analysis of the competition and of strategic key words.

  • Establishment of a content strategy including content management support and the assignment of suitable key words.

  • Optimisation of key pages by integrating an FAQ allowing positioning around strategic requests.

  • Optimisation of metadata to encourage clicks and increase visit numbers.

  • Review of page semantics structure in order to improve understanding for indexing robots and to optimise referencing.

  • Editing of blog articles on the most popular themes.

  • Establishment of a new section to help positioning around requests related to brokerage companies.


Putting these optimisations into place meant that in 9 months we were able to see a considerable improvement in site visibility and organic traffic, as well as an improvement in the overall quality of said traffic, which resulted in an increase in conversions.


The volume of site impressions multiplied 12-fold. The site as a whole gained 4 positioning points.

+320 %

An increase of 330% on sessions recorded, and of 320% in new site users.


Traffic quality:
The actions taken allowed us to obtain an increase of 45% on pages visited per session, which translates to an increase of over 70% in session time.


The website recorded 6 times more conversions – which translates to an increase of 40% in revenue resulting from digital.

The results allowed Brokers Network to make their SEO investments profitable and also to reduce their dependance on paid media.

Want to know more about our natural referencing support? Browse our SEO section, or contact one of our SEO experts directly.


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